Maintain Good Health with Living a Healthy Lifestyle. Be Free from Injury or Disease.

Stop health decay by adopting healthy living habits. Prevent or minimize the risks of illness by making a few simple lifestyle changes

Articles about Disease Prevention

Dangers of Teen Smoking

Smoking may drive you nuts Researches proved smoking being even dangerous for younger smokers’ brain – Smoking may influence the mood and temper not in the best manner American researchers state that smoking in adolescence may lead to psychical disorders after several decades.The scientists of Florida University reached to this conclusion. A group headed by […]

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Antioxidant Activity in Fruits, Vegetables, Tea and Wine

Antioxidants – Useful information with practical application All about antioxidants activity, details about different kind of antioxidants and the products with the greater amount of antioxidants – (Antioxidants are nutrients that protect against health-threatening “free radicals.” Antioxidants neutralize “free radicals” before they can attack healthy cells and cause damage.  There are over 50 degenerative diseases […]

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Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

Cold and flu prevention tips – how to become healthy in cold and flu season You must know from the beginning that there are no known cures for cold and flu, so prevention is the best you can do. If you have a healthy lifestyle it would be easy for you to stay healthy this […]

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Disease prevention is a hard work that is best achieved trough collaboration between clinicians, health professionals, scientists, communities and patients.
Changes in dieting and regular physical activity may be the key to reversing almost epidemic obesity in North America and to reducing the risks of developing some chromic diseases.